
Posts Tagged ‘Troop 22’

Consider Brownsea Island!  My brother and I were both members of Troop 22 as part of Heart of America Council’s Brownsea training course.  He in the late 1980s and I in the early 1990s. I remember that week learning outdoor and leadership skills fondly.   We both took the course at Bartle, but it was also held at Camp Powell and currently it is held at Camp Naish.    I found our neckerchiefs and other assorted items the other day…but I am sure what I have pictured below is just the tip of the iceberg for Kansas City area Brownsea items.  For example, I know the belt buckle and patches have changed, and I have seen other neckerchiefs not shown below.  Have a look…and feel free to send along any other images from your days on Brownsea Island.

Brownsea Uniform Strip - Worn below CSP and above the "22" troop numeral

Brownsea Belt Buckle - Earned by participants after completing requirements following training session

Brownsea Scoutmaster Belt Buckle

Brownsea Neckerchief (early 1990s)

Brownsea Neckerchief (late 1980s)

Neckerchief Slide (early 1990s)

Participant Patch (early 1980s)

Participant Patch (late 1980s - my patch has the same design with an elastic button loop)

For more information, Wikipedia has a good overview/history of the BSA’s leadership programs, Brownsea included.

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